Koroban Industries
This page contains all corporate bulletins - and is an exact duplicate to the bulletins page on our corporation info. This will be updated daily, so keep checking it for important information

Ship Rental

Hey everyone

Koroban Industries is now operating a ship replacement programme. Any lost T1 frigate or destroyers can be replaced instanlty and free of charge. In our HQ, check in the corporate hangar in the SHIPS division - here will be a list of all availible ships. Once you have decided which one you need, simply inform one of the corporate directors (Roland, Zoltan) of your choice and they will be traded to you. For larger ships - we operate a lower purchase price as detailed below:

- Cruisers - 2M ISK
- Mining Barges - 3M ISK
- Battlecruisers - COMING SOON
- Battleships - COMING SOON

For larger ships, you can rent them out - and pay back the ISK at a later date. Again, inform a corp director, and your purchase will be noted and you will be informed of the price - once you have the money, give the money to the corp directly, and inform the directors you have paid back your debt.

Thanks everyone

Earning ISK in the corp


Some people are unsure of whether they are really earning the ISK they should be earning in the corporation with points and the mining operations. One thing I must stress and emphasise, is that the points system is to enhance your ISK flow, not replace it. The payments will be a nice bonus - but not payments which can support you 100% (usually). So in order to earn enough ISK to enjoy the game, you all need to be missioning, mining for yourself and doing other activities with yourself or a few corp members to get the money you need. With personal mining, shout and ORCA support will be provided for you - with missioning, shout and additional firepower can be provided.

Everyone needs to take their income into their own hands

Vent Details

Hey everyone

We have acquired a vent server for us to use, so here are the instructions you need to follow to get it

1) go to http://www.ventrilo.com/

2) download Ventrillo

3) open Ventrillo, create a username (your in-game username), create a connection address, and type in these details:

Port: 4064

Please contact one of our Directors or members in game for the password

Then, connect and voila - you can talk to all members who are in it. We want all members who are online to be in vent, even if not talking or with no microphone, because then you can hear us and makes life much easier for everyone


Corporate Payments

The corporation runs a monthly payment system, which is designed to encourage and reward hard-work and commitment to the corp in ISK form. Let me give you a brief run-down of how it works.

The money the corp makes in a month is divided in half. Half goes to the corp, and the other half is divided amongst all corp members. Each member earns POINTS throughout the month, through contributions and other activities.

Each member starts every month with 1 POINT, and this is a fact - you will always get something from the corp (but if people are active, then those with 1 point will get smaller and smaller shares). When you participate in corporate operations, or make donations you get more points. Here are the general points listings alongside what they are given for:

Attendance at Mining Operation - 1 POINT
Organising and running Mining Operation - 1 POINT
1 Hour in Mining Operation - 1 POINT
Donation of Items - VARIES
Corporate Haul (to and from destination) - 1 POINT

These are only a few of the ways to earn points, but they give the general image of how it is done. So, if you want to earn more money per month, get working on those points systems - I will be keeping track of them.

Corporate Recruiters

The corporation needs to expand, and to expand we need good recruitment personnel. I am looking for about 5 or 6 people to fill the role of Recruitment Officer. To take this role, you need to email me and in brief stating you want the position.

You need to be:
- Good with people
- Happy to answer questions
- Be present in our channel
- Actively spam/advertise in the recruitment channel

So if you are up for the job, please let me know
Every recruit we get - means an instant 2M payment to the recruiter who recruited them, so make sure they put your name in their application